Cisco Opens Cius App Store For Looky Lous

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Tim Higgins

Cisco today launched an app store for its upcoming Cius Android business tablet.

Cisco calls its new AppHQ website an "application ecosystem". Whatever you call it, it’s specifically for Android-based Cisco Cius tablets that are scheduled to start shipping at the end of July.

In addition to providing apps for download, the site also lets companies create "storefronts" with only selected apps shown.

Given the Cius’ business-only focus, Cisco is making it clear that AppHQ won’t be like the we’ll-take-anything approach taken by Google Marketplace. Apps will make it into the store only after they have successfully completed Cisco validation. Validation may be done by thrid parties, but it will include interoperability testing.

Cisco App HQ

AppHQ will also allow admins to allow / deny download access by user role or device or by application type, source or category. So, if your bosses decide that stock trackers aren’t appropriate for business use, then you allegedly won’t be able to download them…at least until someone jailbreaks the Cius.

A quick trip to AppHQ showed 192 apps available, breaking down into Business (10), Communications (10), Entertainment (7), Finance (8), Health & Fitness (15), News (1), Productivity (24), Reference (61), Shopping (3), Tools and Utilities (47), Travel (6) categories.

The approved apps included Box, Evernote, Wyse PocketCloud Pro and VMware View Client. But no Angry Birds, folks. Cisco’s idea of Entertainment currently includes apps like 3D Graph OpenGL and Chelsea FC Clocks and News for fans of that football club. Please… curb your enthusiasm!

Head on over and check it out for yourself.

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