SmallNetBuilder Refreshes

Photo of author

Tim Higgins

Today we launched a new version of SmallNetBuilder that we hope provides an even better reader experience.

While moving to a new version of our content management system, we also figured that we’d freshen things up a bit. There’s new logo (yes, that’s still our mascot Netster the ant) and we’ve tweaked the layout a bit.

The Login / Register box has moved a bit, but it’s still up at the top right. But the bigger change is the Performance Leaderboard. This box shows the top five performing NASes, wireless routers and wired routers and provides a link so that you can go right to the relevant charts for a better look.

New SmallNetBuilder layout

The other useful feature you’ll find in the new site is the Wireless Location Performance Table. We’ve been using this technique to compare wireless product performance in our more recent reviews. And now you can run your own comparisons. Just click the Performance Table button in the Wireless Charts.

As with any big change there are bound to be some humps, bumps and broken stuff. So if you see something that doesn’t work, or a feature that didn’t get ported over, just give us a shout! We hope you enjoy the new look and features!

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