Funambol Updates to Version 9

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Matt Smollinger

Funambol updated its mobile platform with some interesting features for iOS and Android clients.

Funambol may be something of an unknown in the mobile community, but it’s serving up some interesting features in its latest round of updates. Funambol’s primary product is an open source server that synchronizes mobile client data with a central server. This data can include calendar entries, push email, and contacts.

Version 9 adds photo synchronization from iOS clients, and full calendar support for Android. The photo sharing for iOS is particularly interesting as it comes in the wake of recent rumors that Apple may be prepping their own solution for over-the-air photo sharing. Funambol’s offering allows syncing to Facebook, Picasa, Flickr, and selected PCs, over the air.

Android currently only has support for Calendars, so hopefully photo support is coming soon. I can see this being particularly useful for “sharing as you go” photo blogs or just expediting sharing photos with friends.

The full release can be read on Funambol’s site.

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