PowerCloud Systems Enables Cloud Managed Hotspots

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Tim Higgins

PowerCloud Systems has announced a new product for OEMs to create custom cloud-managed Wi-Fi hotspots.

CloudCommand Hotspot Edition is a cloud-based platform specifically designed to rapidly deploy and manage custom Wi-Fi hotspot solutions.

The new offering differs from the first CloudCommand platform by its focus on public hotspots vs. private networks. The Hotspot Edition enables OEMs to build a wide range of hotspot products ranging from free and open to pay-by-the-minute or bandwidth.

A key feature of Hotspot Edition is that it provides multiple revenue-generating opportunities through customizable connection plans designed to fit different business models. Businesses may offer free limited access, prepaid access, pay-as-go access or any combination of these choices. Network administrators and front-desk staff can adjust access and billing settings on an individual basis.

For pay type hotspots, PowerCloud Systems handles all the back-end processing for credit card payments, with no setup required.

Other features include introductory, free service upgradable to paid options, time-limited free access activated through text messaging and custom branded login portals and terms of use.

Contact PowerCloud Systems for more information.

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