VMware Announces Two New Consulting Services

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Matt Smollinger

VMWare has announced two new consulting services to speed hybrid cloud system deployments.

The new services, VMware vCloud Jumpstart and VMware vCloud Accelerator Service, are really meant to get medium to larger businesses to engage in talks regarding private and hybrid cloud solutions.

After reading through the marketing jargon, it turns out Jumpstart is really part of the Accelerator Service. When you sign on for the Accelerator service, there are a number of steps that VMware’s reps will take you through. Jumpstart is one of the early-stage steps, where possible customers can use a live demo version of the vCloud suite.

Once customers are satisfied, VMware will then rapidly prototype a possible solution for integrating vCloud into the customers’ current environment. Along the way, VMware is educating the customer on what it means to have a cloud-based solution.

The Accelerator service finishes off by validating the pre-production cloud-based environment. From there, the customer can choose whether to scale the solution to a production ready solution, or continue with the current environment.

Full details are available on the VMware vCloud Consulting Services website.

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