Box.Net Releases New Version

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Matt Smollinger today released a new version that completely overhauls its entire core product lineup with new features and a more streamlined interface. is a big player in the cloud market, reportedly serving many Fortune 500 companies like Dell, Oracle, Symantec, etc. Traditionally, Box has been focused on having the most features available. This caused problems in their last client that made it somewhat confusing to understand and use. Also many things were a la carte or didn’t make sense for an end-user as described here.

This update focuses the Box platform on content and collaboration. New features include real time activity updates and in-line uploading of content. The system has been redesigned with 30% more screen real-estate dedicated to content management. Additional ways to collaborate have been added as well, along with a new Apps Marketplace to better promote available add-ons.

Box plans to roll out the updates slowly throughout the the month of Febuary. For now, you can read more on the website.

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