IDrive Launches Unlimited Personal Backup

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Matt Smollinger

IDrive has launched an unlimited backup service, ignoring that Mozy believes unlimited is a dying model.

IDrive has been in the storage market almost as long as Mozy has, but evidently doesn’t share the same opinions as Mozy. IDrive Unlimited flies in the face of Mozy tolling the bell for unlimited storage’s death. However, it’s not as unlimited as the name might imply.

There are some major differences between IDrive’s Unlimited and IDrive Basic & Pro. Here’s a quick run-down:
• IDrive Unlimited can’t backup external hard drives in addition to the regular system drives.
• After 150 GB of upload, your upload speed will be throttled to as little as 200 Kbps. This won’t affect download speeds.
• Any deleted files are only kept for 30 days before being permanently trashed.
• Only a single copy of your data is kept, so hardware failures could pose an issue.
As you might imagine, IDrive doesn’t recommend this for businesses, for most of the above reasons.

The new service will cost $49.50/year, with no monthly option available. At $49.50 a year, you can also get IDrive Pro for Personal Use, which if you’re considering IDrive is the better option.

The 200 Kbps throttle is a real deal killer, At that speed, it will take approximately 11 hours to upload a single gigabyte, so anyone with a backup set over 150 GB should look at IDrive Pro, or at another unlimited service.

If the throttling doesn’t phase you, you can take a look at IDrive’s website for more information.

Source: IDrive Blog

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