Pogoplug Launches New Software And Hardware Products

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Matt Smollinger

Pogoplug has officially launched its software-based products, along with Pogoplug Video.

The new software, which we reviewed recently, puts Cloud Engines on the same level as their competition, Tonido. We also reviewed Tonido’s solution and found it to be a more mature, but slightly different product. The Pogoplug basic software is free for anyone to use, and the Premium software is a one-time $29 cost. Premium adds in the ability to stream music and videos. Check out the two reviews to see which one fits your needs better.

Cloud Engines has also offically launched and begun shipments of its Pogoplug Video device, which is like the Pogoplug Premium except with the ability to stream HD video. It also has support for Sony AVCHD Cameras, as well as support for MPEG-4, so videos from most mobile phones and other cameras should work fine. The Pogoplug Video slots in between the Pro and the Business model for $199. We are working on getting a review sample of the Pogoplug Video, and will put it through its paces once we receive it.

The Pogoplug Pro has become the baseline model now, with the original Pogoplug being discontinued. This bring the total product lineup to five offerings now from Cloud Engines, along with the recent push into integrated devices like the Buffalo Cloudstor (which we are reviewing currentyly. ) Take a look over on the official website for more details.

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