D-Link Announces Updated NMS

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Tim Higgins

D-Link logoD-Link has released a refresh of its cloud-based network management system.

D-View 7 is a web-based Network Management System (NMS) providing device monitoring, configuration and troubleshooting. The cloud-based design of D-View 7 allows users to manage a network without installing client software.

D-View 7 uses a "server-probe" architecture that allows monitoring and controlling multi-location networks. Like any other LAN-based device, remotely deployed probes work through NAT and other firewalls, allowing for the management of devices that cannot be directly accessed using standard SNMP. When a device is selected for management, D-View 7 probes relay the command to the devices and then report back its data to the D-View 7 server.

D-Link D-View

D-Link D-View

In addition to supporting D-Link switches, access points, and controllers, D-View 7 also can manage third-party devices. D-View 7 can check the health status of these devices, issue CLI commands and perform standard management and monitoring. The new D-View 7 graphical dashboard presents this information in an easy-to-use way.

D-View 7 is a free download providing support for 25 nodes and two probes. For larger networks, additional nodes and probes can be added by purchasing license upgrades, which are available in increments of 25, 50 and 100 nodes, and five or 25 probes.

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