LAN & WAN How To

LAN Party How To – Part 2: Building the LAN

You can't have a LAN Party without a LAN and you shouldn't set up your party's LAN before reading the latest installment of our How To. Chris Dickens returns to step you through what it takes to set up a fast, robust LAN that can handle plenty of fraggin'.

Wireless How To

How To Crack WEP – Part 1: Setup & Network Recon

It's common knowledge that WEP can be "easily" cracked. But did you ever wonder how easy it is? In Part 1 of a two-part series, Humphrey Cheung takes you step-by-step through putting together a WEP-cracking setup and using Kismet to find vulnerable wireless LANs.

LAN & WAN How To

LAN Party How To – Part 1: Planning and Power

Ever think about throwing your own LAN Party? Or maybe you already have an didn't have a great experience. Chris Dickens has been there and done that and in Part 1 of our LAN Party How To shares his secrets of getting set up for success and making sure that there's power a'plenty to keep everyone happy.

Wireless How To

How To: Building a BlueSniper Rifle – Part 1

There are those who think Bluetooth is secure due to its intentionally-limited range. But Part 1 of this article by Humphrey Cheung shows you how a little time and not a lot of money can produce a weapon that can blow away any such thoughts.

Wireless How To

How To: Adding Internal Wireless LAN to a Notebook

Today's notebooks all come with the ability to host an internal wireless LAN card. But cost-sensitive buyers may choose to forego that option and later regret it. But as long as you're willing to do some homework, our How To shows that it's not that hard to add a WLAN card yourself.