I’m just saying no to draft 11n reviews

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Tim Higgins

Manufacturers continue to pump out more draft 802.11n products based on the current Draft 1.0 spec. They do this despite reviews (including mine) that point out numerous problems with all current implementations. Virtually every one of my reviews has ended with a recommendation to not buy the product.

So I’ve decided to take a pass on all reviews of draft 802.11n products until I can get my hands on gear based on Draft 2.0 chipsets (or whatever the new version will be called). According to Glenn Fleishman, this will be sometime in the spring of 2007.

I’m willing to change my position if you think I should. So let’s hear from you. You don’t even need to register to comment.

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Yes, today's vote is good news since it advances the ball toward the end goal, which is still over a year away. But if you already own draft 11n gear, you should not assume that it is only a few firmware and driver upgrades away from being equivalent to products that will roll off the production lines over the coming months. And the same goes for gear currently sitting on the shelf at your favorite retailer.

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