Amazon Launches Simple Email Service

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Matt Smollinger

Amazon has added an email service to its AWS portfolio.

Amazon’s AWS product portfolio continues to expand in new ways. Earlier this week, AWS added a rapid-deployment system called Elastic Beanstalk to make it easier for developers to deploy products using AWS. Simple Email Service builds on this concept by providing massively scalable email infrastructure for developers to use.

Simple Email Service is aimed at whitebox services like Campaign Monitor and at medium-to-large enterprise marketing departments that use in-house email solutions. These customers send millions if not billions of emails a month, and require custom solutions to power their marketing campaigns.

It will be interesting to see how Amazon decides to police the SES service. Many services like Campaign Monitor have extremely strict policies on spam creation, and one would imagine Amazon would want to make sure they don’t get on the blacklists of major anti-spam vendors.

Pricing for SES will be $0.10 US per 1000 email messages sent. Complete details are available on the AWS website.

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