Funambol Aims at iCloud For Mobile Device Sync

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Tim Higgins

Funambol has launched its previously-announced media sharing service with cross-platform support for iOS, Android and BlackBerry devices.

Funambol is trying to position the new MediaHub service against Apple’s iCloud, saying that it "is like iCloud but for all devices". The company says that MediaHub is a "white-label" solution for "companies who want to quickly deploy a branded cloud digital locker".

MediaHub is an upgrade to Funambol’s MyFunambol service [reviewed], adding video and music file sync to the existing photo and contact sync features. MyFunambol’s chief claimed advantage is that is works with the "widest variety" of mobile devices including iOS, Android, BlackBerry and Symbian.

The company also claims cross-device support, i.e. photos and video on iPhones or BlackBerries can be viewed on an Android tablet.

In addition to its cloud-based service, MediaHub can be licensed for deployment behind a company firewall.

MediaHub is available now from the myFUNAMBOL Portal. Free storage has been tripled to 150 MB. myFUNAMBOL’s Cloud API has also been extended to support video and files.

Or hit Funambol’s site for white papers and other MediaHub information.

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