Mozy Makes A Move Against Dropbox, SugarSync

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Tim Higgins

Mozy has decided to enter the cloud file sync market.

Mozy Stash works like other file sync services by creating a desktop folder whose contents are automatically synchronized to other computers with Stash folders. Stash is being positioned as a "complement" to Mozy’s Home cloud backup service and actually requires a MozyHome subscription.

Since MozyHome automatically backs up selected files on schedule, Stash is basically used to bypass the scheduled process and back up files immediately.

Another advantage of Stashed files is that they count only once against your storage quota. So if you keep the same file on multiple computers that all use MozyHome, it would be better to Stash the file than let MozyHome back it up.

While definitely lobbed in the general direction, Stash does not appear to be directly aimed at Dropbox, SugarSync and other similar services. Stash does not appear to allow file sharing/sync with other user accounts or non-Mozy account holders. If you want to share with others, they need to use your account.

Mozy Stash is currently public beta and requires a MozyHome account. It does work, however, even with a free 2 GB account. If you have a now-discontinued Mozy Unlimited account, however, Stash won’t work with it. The company said it plans to release Stash for MozyPro "later in 2012".

Stash also works with Mozy’s iOS and Android apps, allowing them to directly upload files to it.

For pricing, the Stash FAQ says " MozyHome paid subscribers who sign up during the beta can count on having Stash as part of their ongoing subscription at no extra cost".

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