NETGEAR Unwraps Atom ReadyNASes

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Tim Higgins

NETGEAR ReadyNAS UltraNETGEAR has announced Atom powered additions to its ReadyNAS line.

We missed the pre-brief and didn’t make it to the announcement festivities last night. But the folks over at VentureBeat were there with the coverage.

The short story is there are new four and six bay chassis with a 1.66 GHz Atom and 1 GB under the hood. According to Engadget, the Ultra 4 is single-core Atom and the Ultra 6 is dual-core.

A naked Ultra 4 lists for $599 and the Ultra 6 for $899. Shipments start later this month, with pre-ordering available from Amazon shortly. A two-bay version will follow in the fall (October, if NETGEAR meets schedule).


The Ultras are being positioned as media servers with Orb and Skifta media serving apps bundled in. Looks like NETGEAR decided there are enough folks out there who will pay more for home-focused storage than their previous Stora home media server.

Check VentureBeat’s coverage, which includes a video interview by Dean Takahashi with NETGEAR CEO Patrick Lo.

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