Brix , Linksys, SunRocket join for automatic VoIP quality monitoring

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Tim Higgins

Brix Networks today announced it is collaborating with Linksys and SunRocket to deliver automated endpoint monitoring for improved quality of experience (QoE) for SunRocket’s customers.

Brix has integrated its service assurance technology with various Linksys SIP-based home networking devices to provide SunRocket with a scalable, real-time service assurance product. The combined solution automates periodic SIP media loopback testing across the entire network, groups, or single subscribers, and also collects, correlates, and analyzes the results to produce actionable information reports. Quality metrics generated include mean opinion score (MOS), latency, jitter, and packet loss.

This automated Brix-Linksys SIP media loopback testing solution continuously verifies the performance and quality of deployed Linksys equipment, and can quickly identify issues that may be occurring between SunRocket’s infrastructure and its members.

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