Wireless How To

How To Crack WPA / WPA2 (2012)

We have updated our tutorial on how to crack WPA / WPA2 with even more powerful and easier to use passphrase recovery tools. We've also added tips for creating easy-to-remember but essentially uncrackable passphrases.

Wireless How To

WEP Cracking…Reloaded

WEP Cracking has gotten much easier in the two years since our original tutorial. You only need one computer, one wireless adapter and one tool suite.

Wireless How To

How To Crack WEP – Part 1: Setup & Network Recon

It's common knowledge that WEP can be "easily" cracked. But did you ever wonder how easy it is? In Part 1 of a two-part series, Humphrey Cheung takes you step-by-step through putting together a WEP-cracking setup and using Kismet to find vulnerable wireless LANs.