HP Kills webOS and TouchPad

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Tim Higgins

HP has pulled the plug on webOS and the TouchPad and may be jettisoning its PC business.

There must be high-fives all around in Cupertino today, because one big ol’ shoe dropped in the those-who-would-be-iPad battle.

Bloomberg was first to report the news, which came out of today’s Q3 earnings report.

HP said it is discontinuing both its TouchPad tablet and Pre webOS based smart phones.

The troubled tablet has a cool reception and has recently seen a few rounds of price cuts and reports that BestBuy is sitting on a huge pile of unsold goods.

Plenty of reporting on this one, folks. At least there’s a decent browser and email in the TouchPad and it plays HD video better than all those nVidia Tegra based Android Honeycomb tablets. So it won’t turn into a complete doorstop.

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