Wuala Launches iPhone Application

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Matt Smollinger

Wuala has launched its new iPhone Application, which promises complete security by encrypting all files it downloads on the device.

Mobile security is a bit of an oxymoron. Mobile devices are inherently insecure because they are not tied to a location, so the location, and subsequently the device, are hard to secure. Laptops have had years to develop the proper security technologies, like full hard drive encryption, “phone home” tech which locks the computer after a certain time, and other technologies that can now effectively brick a device remotely.

Mobile phones are getting there now too. Apple’s walled garden approach to applications helps, but most people can’t remotely wipe their phones. Wuala is helping out with this now by completely encrypting all files on the phone. The impact is noticeable on older devices. My iPhone 3GS takes noticeably longer to open encrypted files than on my iPad, which has a much faster processor.

The new app overall works fairly smoothly on both 3G and WiFi. There isn’t a dedicated iPad version, so you’re stuck with the iPhone blown up 2x. The app can be downloaded today through the App Store. Check out our review of Wuala to see what you think of the product overall.

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